337 543
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Photos of Buzzards are required

2020-08-11| Vassiliy Fedorenko

Dear Ornithologists, Birdwatchers and Bird Lovers!

We, Pavel Pfander and Vassily Fedorenko, appeal to you with a request to help in the big work on Buzzards. We want to create a map of the distribution of the Long-legged Buzzard and Upland Buzzard in Kazakhstan and adjacent territories, indicating the zone of their intergradation. Hopefully after this work, we will better understand the pattern of their distribution and interaction, and we will be able to reliably distinguish these birds in the field.

To do this, we need photographs of the front side of the tarsus (legs) of chicks or fledglings, on which flapping would be distinguishable, and the location of their nests. Below are examples of such photos, where you can see what exactly we want to see. If at the same time there are photographs of the parents of these chicks, then generally excellent. Photos of the legs of adult birds are also welcome if it is known for certain they are from the nesting area. The authorship of the materials used in a future article will certainly be preserved.

Photos, comments and questions can be sent to email addresses:
Pavel Pfander paul1957@mail.ru
Vassily Fedorenko arthey@mail.ru

With thanks,
Vassily and Pavel.

1. Long-legged Buzzard (Buteo rufinus)

2. Upland Buzzard (Buteo hemilasius)

2020-08-11. Малик Нукусбеков:

Отличная работа.

2020-08-12. Алексей Кошкин:

Отсутствие результата-тоже результат. За 44 года работы в Коргалжынском заповеднике видел тысячи курганников, но ни одного гнезда. Так что на карте можете пометить регион оз. Тенгиз ( центральный Казахстан) На восток от озере около 150 км, к югу, западу и северу около 50 км - не гнездится.

secret code

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Михаил Невский: черноголовая чайка


Дмитрий Андреев: Перенес на определение


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