338 447
blog posts
454 photographed species of 923 (49%)


Filatova Аnna

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map of photoshootings

total species: 103
total photos: 458
total videos: 0
total blogposts: 0

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1. Tree Sparrow (2020-01-03)
2. Eurasian Collared Dove (2020-01-04)
3. Eurasian Nuthatch (2020-01-07)
4. Eurasian Blackbird (2020-01-07)
5. Great Spotted Woodpecker (2020-01-08)
6. Eurasian Jackdaw (2020-01-08)
7. Rook (2020-01-08)
8. Bohemian Waxwing (2020-01-08)
9. Fieldfare (2020-01-08)
10. Syrian Woodpecker (2020-01-08)
11. Hooded Crow (2020-01-08)
12. Mallard (2020-01-18)
13. Marsh Tit (2020-01-18)
14. Common Treecreeper (2020-01-18)
15. Blue Tit (2020-01-18)
16. Great Tit (2020-01-18)
17. Eurasian Jay (2020-01-19)
18. Eurasian Siskin (2020-01-19)
19. Northern Bullfinch (2020-02-02)
20. Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (2020-02-02)
21. Long-tailed Tit (2020-02-16)
22. Black-Billed Magpie (2020-03-09)
23. Eurasian Goldfinch (2020-03-14)
24. White Wagtail (2020-03-21)
25. Common Starling (2020-03-21)
26. Black-headed Gull (2020-03-21)
27. Grey-Headed Woodpecker (2020-03-28)
28. Common Chaffinch (2020-03-28)
29. Common Coot (2020-04-02)
30. Yellowhammer (2020-04-04)
31. Song Thrush (2020-04-11)
32. Common Chiffchaff (2020-04-12)
33. Wood Pigeon (2020-04-12)
34. Common Tern (2020-05-01)
35. Common Moorhen (2020-05-02)
36. Pied Flycatcher (2020-05-09)
37. Great Reed Warbler (2020-05-23)
38. Black Woodpecker (2020-05-23)
39. Great White Egret (2020-05-31)
40. Caspian Gull (2020-05-31)
41. Northern Wheatear (2020-06-08)
42. Common Swift (2020-06-16)
43. Grey Heron (2020-06-20)
44. Thrush Nightingale (2020-06-20)
45. Collared Flycatcher (2020-06-20)
46. Common Buzzard (2020-06-21)
47. Red-backed Shrike (2020-07-14)
48. European Robin (2020-07-18)
49. Common Kingfisher (2020-07-18)
50. Barn Swallow (2020-07-25)
51. Black Redstart (2020-07-26)
52. White Stork (2020-08-02)
54. Common Pochard (2020-09-19)
55. Goldcrest (2020-10-14)
56. Mistle Thrush (2021-01-02)
57. Middle Spotted Woodpecker (2021-01-23)
58. House Sparrow (2021-02-28)
59. Tufted Duck (2021-03-27)
60. Eurasian Linnet (2021-04-24)
61. Yellow Wagtail (2021-04-25)
62. Bluethroat (2021-04-25)
63. Lesser Whitethroat (2021-04-25)
64. Sky Lark (2021-04-25)
65. European Greenfinch (2021-04-25)
66. Hoopoe (2021-05-01)
67. Mute Swan (2021-05-01)
68. Montagu's Harrier (2021-05-01)
69. Crested Lark (2021-05-01)
70. Eurasian Penduline Tit (2021-05-04)
71. Spotted Flycatcher (2021-05-04)
72. Eurasian Redstart (2021-05-04)
73. Common Cuckoo (2021-05-04)
74. Blackcap (2021-05-04)
76. Lesser Black-backed Gull (2021-05-07)
77. Mew Gull (2021-05-07)
78. Yellow-legged Gull (2021-05-07)
79. Red-breasted Flycatcher (2021-05-08)
80. Sandwich Tern (2021-05-09)
81. Slender-billed Gull (2021-05-09)
82. Northern House Martin (2021-05-15)
83. Black Tern (2021-05-27)
84. Common Raven (2021-06-06)
85. Great White Pelican (2021-06-26)
86. European Turtle Dove (2021-06-27)
87. Great Cormorant (2021-06-27)
88. Garden Warbler (2021-07-24)
89. Common Stonechat (2021-07-25)
90. Hawfinch (2022-01-29)
91. Common Sparrowhawk (2022-02-08)
92. Common Goldeneye (2022-02-09)
93. European Serin (2022-05-08)
94. Little Bittern (2022-06-25)
95. Common Whitethroat (2023-05-07)
96. Common Kestrel (2023-07-24)
97. Black-winged Stilt (2023-07-29)
98. Black-tailed Godwit (2023-07-29)
99. Grey Wagtail (2023-08-03)
100. Grey Partridge (2023-08-07)
101. Northern Wren (2024-01-06)
102. Coal Tit (2024-02-25)
103. Mandarin Duck (2024-03-16)

recent uploads

2024-05-11. Great White Egret.

2024-05-10. Thrush Nightingale.

2024-04-13. White Wagtail, Black Redstart.

2024-04-01. Common Chaffinch, Song Thrush, Black Woodpecker, European Robin.

2024-03-16. Mandarin Duck, Wood Pigeon, Eurasian Collared Dove, Common Raven.

2024-03-10. Little Bittern, European Greenfinch.

2024-03-09. Common Starling, Common Pochard, Common Moorhen, Tufted Duck.

2024-02-25. Coal Tit.

2024-02-24. Long-tailed Tit, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Eurasian Nuthatch.

2024-02-11. Middle Spotted Woodpecker, Common Goldeneye, Mute Swan, Black-headed Gull, Caspian Gull.

2024-01-21. Eurasian Blackbird.

2024-01-20. Common Kestrel.

2024-01-19. Black-tailed Godwit, Common Kingfisher, Common Pochard, Northern Wheatear, Common Whitethroat, Eurasian Goldfinch, Red-backed Shrike.

2024-01-14. Tree Sparrow.

recent comments

2024-03-14. to photo # 06720022401 (Common Whitethroat)

Костянтин Пилипюк: кропив'янка сіра

2024-03-02. to photo # 06720023501 (Great Spotted Woodpecker)

Оксана Маховская: Дятел звичайний

2024-02-25. to photo # 06720023501 (Great Spotted Woodpecker)

Денис Давидов: Бачу самця дятла звичайного - яскраво-червоне підхвістя, великий товстий дзьоб

2024-02-10. to photo # 06720022601 (Red-backed Shrike)

Ірина Ортік: сорокопуд терновий

2024-02-10. to photo # 06720022301 (Northern Wheatear)

Ірина Ортік: кам'янка звичайна

2024-02-10. to photo # 06720022503 (Eurasian Goldfinch)

Ірина Ортік: молодь щиглика

2024-01-18. to photo # 06720020401 (Black-winged Stilt)

Андрій Сімон: Кулик-довгоніг

2024-01-18. to photo # 06720020501 (Black-winged Stilt)

Андрій Сімон: На першому фото ще наче бачу коловодника болотяного. На обох фото є кулик-довгоніг, тож до нього і переношу.

2024-01-16. to photo # 06720020501 (Black-winged Stilt)

Андрій Міськов: Чайка, брижач, грицик великий, кулик-довгоніг

2022-05-11. to photo # 06720019801 (European Serin)

Анна Філатова: дякую

2022-05-11. to photo # 06720019801 (European Serin)

Альона Фоміна: Щедрик

2022-01-30. to photo # 06720017501 (Middle Spotted Woodpecker)

Сергій Травелян: це середній

2022-01-09. to photo # 06720017002 (Fieldfare)

Андрій Міськов: Чикотень

2021-07-02. to photo # 06720015801 (Red-backed Shrike)

Сергій Травелян: сорокопуд терновий

2021-07-02. to photo # 06720015702 (Great Reed Warbler)

Сергій Травелян: очеретянка велика

2021-05-15. to photo # 06720014801 (Yellow-legged Gull)

Oleg F: 1) Сизая чайка 2су (мелкий клюв, пестрая шея)
2) Larus michahellis 2су (двухцветный кроткий клюв; мраморная окраска кроющих крыла)

2021-05-13. to photo # 06720014401 (Sandwich Tern)

Юрій Кодруль: Крячок рябодзьобий

2021-05-13. to photo # 06720014401 (Sandwich Tern)

Анна Філатова: Тех двух в черных шапках)

2021-05-13. to photo # 06720014401 (Sandwich Tern)

Костянтин Пилипюк: А каких птиц определять - справа или слева?

2021-05-12. to photo # 06720014201 (Northern Wheatear)

Сергій Травелян: кам'янка звичайна

2021-05-12. to photo # 06720014002 (Black-headed Gull)

Сергій Травелян: мартин звичайний

2021-05-11. to photo # 06720014501 (Slender-billed Gull)

Сергій Травелян: мартин тонкодзьобий

2021-05-11. to photo # 06720014601 (Common Tern)

Сергій Травелян: крячок річковий

2021-05-05. to photo # 06720012901 (Spotted Flycatcher)

Сергій Травелян: мухоловка сіра

2021-05-05. to photo # 06720012502 (Common Chiffchaff)

Сергій Травелян: вівчарик ковалик

Big Year 2024

1. Anna Golubeva (240)
2. Alexey Sizov (209)
3. Nataliya Pokhodzey (162)
4. Vlad Gedziuk (162)
5. Vitaliy Butko (157)
6. Andrey Semenov (145)
7. Khasan Zhurtov (127)
8. Irina Ortik (123)
9. Khasan Zhurtov (122)
10. Denys Davydov (121)

rare birds records

Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus)

© Viktor Natykanets
Pripyat river floodplain, Turov town surrounding, Zhitkovichi district, Gomel region

White-winged Lark (Melanocorypha leucoptera)

© Vyacheslav Yusupov

Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)

© Valery Dombrovski
Gomel region, Zhitkovichi district

Merlin (Falco columbarius)

© Yury Podverbny

more rarities...

recent video

2024-04-28. European Robin (Vadim Sinukhin), European Robin (Vadim Sinukhin).

2024-04-22. Common Sparrowhawk (Sergei Saveika).

2024-04-13. Savi's Warbler (Stanislavs Gr).

2024-04-04. Bohemian Waxwing (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-03-26. Common Starling (Vadim Sinukhin).

2024-03-25. Common Moorhen (Vadim Sinukhin).

2024-03-22. Eurasian Goldfinch (Vadim Sinukhin).

2024-02-27. Great Grey Owl (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-02-19. Eurasian Penduline Tit (Stanislavs Gr), Eurasian Penduline Tit (Stanislavs Gr).

2024-01-16. Mandarin Duck (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-01-06. Coal Tit (Stanislavs Gr).

2024-01-05. European Bee-eater (Aleksandr Plekhanov).

2024-01-03. Blue Tit (Stanislavs Gr).

more video...

unidentified birds


Серго: ковалик


no any comments:


Александр Любимов: Серебристая?


Михаил Невский: черноголовая чайка


Дмитрий Андреев: Перенес на определение

more unidentified birds...