

Meadow Pipit

Anthus pratensis (Linnaeus, 1758)

Луговой конёк
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2024-01-07 = 2024-04-23
2023-01-12 = 2023-10-31
2022-01-06 = 2022-11-24
2021-01-02 = 2021-11-01
2020-01-03 = 2020-12-28
2019-01-05 = 2019-12-29
2018-01-03 = 2018-10-29
2017-03-25 = 2017-12-06
2016-03-08 = 2016-11-27
2015-04-18 = 2015-11-04
2014-04-20 = 2014-10-01
2013-04-28 = 2013-09-22
2011-04-29 = 2011-09-20

2017-12-06 | Nauchny, Crimea | Elena Pavlenko | Anthus pratensis

2017-10-27 | Nauchny, Crimea | Elena Pavlenko | Anthus pratensis

2017-10-14 | Chorli | Oksana Raldugina | Anthus pratensis

2017-09-25 | | Alexandr Masalev | Anthus pratensis

2017-08-12 | Rivne Nature Reserve | Andrew Simon | Anthus pratensis

2017-06-23 | | Elena Koval | Anthus pratensis

2017-06-23 | | Elena Koval | Anthus pratensis

2017-06-23 | | Elena Koval | Anthus pratensis

2017-06-04 | s. Ozdiv Lutski r-n Volynska oblast | Vlad Gedziuk | Anthus pratensis

2017-06-04 | | Dmitry Khrushchev | Anthus pratensis

2017-06-01 | Zhytomyr region, Romaniv district, near the vіllage of Romanivka | Olexandr Ghryb | Anthus pratensis

2017-05-22 | Maloudebnoe, Bryansk oblast | Sergey Shursha | Anthus pratensis

2017-05-14 | | Igor Kurin | Anthus pratensis

2017-05-14 | | Igor Kurin | Anthus pratensis

2017-04-23 | Odessa region, Kuyalnik Estuary | Yuriy Kodrul | Anthus pratensis

2017-04-23 | | Petro Hryniuk | Anthus pratensis

2017-04-23 | | Mikhail Kalagin | Anthus pratensis

2017-04-17 | | Evgeniy Sofronov | Anthus pratensis

2017-04-16 | | Petro Hryniuk | Anthus pratensis

2017-04-11 | | Anna Golubeva | Anthus pratensis

2017-04-08 | Urazovka | Vyacheslav Yusupov | Anthus pratensis

2017-04-04 | Kryvyj Rig | Viktor Sevidov | Anthus pratensis

2017-03-25 | City Novorossiysk, Krasnodar region, Sudzhukskaya lagoon. | Igor Torgachkin | Anthus pratensis


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Алдияр Сапарбаев: Фотография темная, про окрас трудно что либо сказать. Тоже считаю что малый. А глаз есть возможность кропнуть? Будто светлый кажется.


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Анна Ясько: Лесной конек, похоже.

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