
White Wagtail

Motacilla alba (Linnaeus, 1758)

Белая трясогузка
© Robert Parker

all photos of serie (clickable):

author: Robert Parker
location: Aktau
date: 2022-05-15
equipment: Nikon Z7ii, Sigma 150-600mm

2022-05-16. Анна Ясько:

О, что это у нее под ногами? Уховертка?

2022-05-16. Robert Parker:

Wow! I didn't even notice that. I guess some kind of small crab?

2022-05-16. Robert Parker:

The last picture was taken a few seconds before. Maybe the crab was hanging from the bird's body (after it took a bath in the water) and then fell off?

2022-05-16. Анна Ясько:

If I'm not mistaken, this is Labidura riparia. Lives along the seashore, but not in the water.

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