

Yellow Wagtail

Motacilla flava (Linnaeus, 1758)

Жёлтая трясогузка
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2024-03-30 = 2024-06-01
2023-04-01 = 2023-09-24
2022-04-03 = 2022-10-13
2021-03-28 = 2021-11-27
2020-04-07 = 2020-10-01
2019-02-18 = 2019-10-05
2018-03-29 = 2018-10-09
2017-04-07 = 2017-09-15
2016-04-01 = 2016-08-25
2015-04-22 = 2015-09-08
2014-04-19 = 2014-07-18
2013-04-14 = 2013-07-06
2012-04-19 = 2012-07-01
2011-04-20 = 2011-08-22
2010-05-24 = 2010-07-18

2014-07-18 | Krivorogski raion | Anatoly Salnik | Motacilla flava

2014-06-24 | Pripyat river floodplain, Turov town surrounding, Zhitkovichi district, Gomel region | Viktor Natykanets | Motacilla flava

2014-06-03 | | Petro Hryniuk | Motacilla flava

2014-06-01 | Bashkortostan,Southern Urals , | Yura Lyapustin | Motacilla flava

2014-05-27 | | Albert Lastukhin | Motacilla flava

2014-05-27 | | Albert Lastukhin | Motacilla flava

2014-05-24 | | Albert Lastukhin | Motacilla flava

2014-04-20 | | Albert Lastukhin | Motacilla flava

2014-04-19 | | Artem Skiter | Motacilla flava


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Анна Ясько: Лесной конек, похоже.


Дмитрий Шевцов: Ну давайте тогда на определение. Может кто-нибудь ещё выскажется.

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